Explore MNHolstein

Mark Your Calendar for PDCA Judging Workshop

The Minnesota PDCA & MLBA  will be hosting a Dairy Cattle Judging Workshop on May 18, 2019. It will take place at the Meeker County Fairgrounds Animals Inc. Building in Litchfield, Minn. The schedule for the workshop is listed below:


Morning classroom session will be held in the Conference Room in the Animals Inc. Building


10:00 AM                                Registration

10:30 AM-Noon                      Ted Halbach U of WI- Madison

Dairy Cattle Evaluation Instructor

Noon                                       Lunch

Afternoon Classes will be in the Animals Inc Building FFA Barnyard

1:00 PM-3:00 PM                    Judging Classes

4 Classes- Holsteins, Jersey, Brown Swiss

State Fair Lineup

You must pre-register for the workshop by May 3, 2019. The cost of the workshop is $25 and you may pay when you arrive. Click here, to download the registration form. 


For questions contact Heather Thyen at: epholstein@gmail.com or 320-583-9913