Explore MNHolstein


Want to become a member of the Minnesota Holstein Association? Join today!

Register for Membership


  • Reduced rates on registering your cattle (state members pay $10 vs. $18).
  • Opportunities to learn and have fun with fellow Holstein breed­ers and dairyman with Participation in District and State Holstein Shows and other MHA sponsored events such as Field Day, Breeder Seminars and State Convention. 
  • Life-long friendships with the great diversity of people who share the same interest as you . . . love of the Holstein Cow. 
  • Voting privileges at State Convention helping to determine the future of the MHA. 
  • Growth personally and professionally in an organization that promotes individuality, charity, education and old-fashioned farm family values. 
  • A Subscription to the Minnesota Holstein News, Midwest Holstein News and the Membership Directory. Plus the opportunity to promote your herd in the quarterly publication.
  • An opportunity to promote your herd and earn money by consigning to the two annual State Sales. 
  • The Minnesota Holstein Association is excited to announce the debut of the Young Adult Committee (YAC). If you are a Holstein enthusiast age 21-40 and like to have fun, this is the group for you. We strive to offer social and educational activities in both on- and off-farm settings. Past activities include gatherings at the Minnesota State Fair, Minnesota Fall Sale and the All-Breeds Convention.
  • People 21 and under have their own Junior Association and Junior Board with several activities throughout the year including their own State Convention, State Holstein Show as well as Speech, Dairy Bowl and Dairy Judging Contests.


Register for Membership