February 10: Breeder Battle Deadline
February 20: Sibley Club Meeting, EJ’s, 7 PM
March 1: MHA Membership Renewal Deadline
March 1: Holstein of the Year Applications Due
March 1: Club Scholarships Due
March 1: Future State Show Host Applications Due
March 1: I-35 Club Meeting, Owatonna Pizza Ranch, Noon
March 2: Rochester Club Meeting, Eyota Ambulance Garage, 12:30 PM
March 8: Minnesota All-Breeds Convention, Willmar, MN
March 22: McLeod Club Meeting, Brownton Rod & Gun Club, 6 PM
March 28-30: Minnesota Junior All-Breeds Convention, Otsego, MN
April 1: MN All-Breeds Spring Sale Consignment Deadline
April 19: MN All-Breeds Spring Sale, Cowbuyer
June 1: June Publication Advertising Deadline
June 17-21: 2025 Minnesota State Holstein Show, Kasson, MN Dodge County Fairgrounds
June 23-26: National Holstein Convention, St. Louis, Missouri
July 12: MHA Field Day, Ru-Be Dairy, Grove City
August 27: Midwest Fall National Holstein Show
September 1: Fall Publication Advertising Deadline
November 1: December Publication Advertising Deadline
December 1: Golden Gopher Futurity Entry Deadline