We are excited to announce that we have hired Amanda Bedtke as our Business Manager and Chelsey Asche as our Marketing Manager.
As the Business Manager, Amanda will be the main contact person for the organization. She will manage the organization’s finances, manage membership, and coordinate events.
Amanda brings 10+ years of business experience in the dairy industry with her to Minnesota Holstein Association. She graduated with a degree in Dairy Management at Ridgewater College and later went on to finish her bachelor’s degree in Business Management with the University of Minnesota. She worked as the office manager at a dairy production medicine center in Plainview, spent some time as medical secretary at the Mayo Clinic and then moved on to work in field service for a large dairy cooperative. Amanda and her husband operate a 50-cow dairy in southeast Minnesota. They also have three beautiful children.
As our Marketing Manager, Chelsey will publish the Minnesota Holstein News, design sale catalogs, and write press releases for Minnesota Holstein events as well as articles for the magazine. She will also maintain our website and social media accounts.
Chelsey most recently worked as the Rock County 4-H Program Coordinator in Luverne, Minnesota. Prior to this role she worked as the Digital Communications Coordinator for Accelerated Genetics where she managed the company website and held a wide range of communications responsibilities. Chelsey has also interned in several marketing-related positions including interning for Paulsen Marketing, Accelerated Genetics, SDSU iGrow, and Hoard’s Dairyman.
Chelsey graduated from South Dakota State University with two Bachelor of Science degrees in Dairy Production and Agricultural Communications. While at SDSU she was involved in numerous activities including serving as the Dairy Club president and Dairy Digest Editor. She competed on the Dairy Cattle Judging team and the Dairy Challenge team.
Chelsey grew up on an 80-cow Holstein dairy just outside of Heron Lake, Minnesota. Her parents Dean and Elizabeth Johnson run the dairy and farm 320 acres. Over the years, she has been an advocate for the dairy industry, serving as a Cottonwood County Dairy Princess and as a Princess Kay of the Milky Way finalist. Chelsey and her husband, Austin, recently moved to St. Peter, Minnesota. They both enjoy dairy cattle and helping Chelsey’s parents on the farm when they can.
Both Amanda and Chelsey will be available to the membership at the start of the New Year. You will be able to reach Amanda at 320-259-0637. Amanda’s email is minnesotaholstein@gmail.com. Chelsey’s phone number is 507-221-4070 and her email is mnholsteinmarketing@gmail.com Please help us in welcoming Amanda and Chelsey to the MN Holstein Association!