My name is Alan Graves. I grew up on a registered Holstein farm in Iowa. I attended Iowa State University, were I majored in Dairy Science. I have been employed with Holstein USA since 2014 where I was covering northern California. I was relocated in November 2015, back to Iowa. I now cover western Iowa, South Dakota and western Minnesota. Please refer to the coverage map of Minnesota to see how the state is split up between Steve Peterson, Dennis Devore and myself. Prior to Holstein, I spent a number of years working for a John Deere dealership, two different AI companies in
the Midwest as well as fitting dairy cattle throughout North America.
I have met many of you already, whether on the farm, at various meetings, conventions and sales. I look forward to meeting the rest of you very soon. We value your business and I am eager to assist you in any way I can to help you meet your goals. Please contact me with any questions or needs at 712-574-6120. Thank you!