The Minnesota Holstein Association would like to congratulate a number of cows and their owners from Minnesota and South Dakota for earning recognition as Holstein Association USA’s Production Leaders. To qualify for this recognition, cows must be in a herd enrolled in Tristar Deluxe or Premier levels. This current leader run was updated on May 4, 2018.
For the complete list of National Production Leaders across the county, visit this link.
Milk Production Leaders
Congratulations to Brands-Haven Holsteins of Edgerton, Minn, on Brands-Haven Bckeye Tictime who placed second for Milk in the Junior Two-Year Old-2x Milking Class for a 2x, 305-day record. Her lactation was 2-05, 2x, 305 day, 45,860 lbs Milk, 2.8% Fat, 1,277 lbs Fat, 2.6% Protein, 1,178 lbs Protein.
Congratulations to Arnold Gruenes of Richmond, Minn., on T-Spruce Style P 8002-ET who placed first in Milk for the Junior Two-Year Old-3x Milking Class. Her lactation was 2-01, 3x, 45,230 lbs Milk, 3.5% Fat, 1,592 lbs Fat, 3.0% Protein, 1,339 lbs Protein. Gruenes’ cow, T-Spruce Kado 8338-ET followed in fifth place in the class. Her lactation was 2-02, 3x, 305-day 44,000 lbs of Milk, 3.8% Fat, 1,673 lbs of Fat, 2.9% Protein, 1,268 lbs Protein. In addition, his cow, T-Spruce Lithium 7367-ET ranked first in the Senior Two-Year Old-3x Milking Class. Her lactation was 2-11, 305-day, 3x, 48,560 lbs Milk, 2.3% Fat, 1,118 lbs Fat, 3.0% Protein, 1,322 lbs Protein.
Congratulations to Andrew Stuewe of Hamburg, Minn., on Stuewes Blitz Delight who placed third for Milk Production in the Junior Three-Year Old-2x Milking Class. Her lactation was 4-01, 305-day, 2x, 54,840 lbs of Milk, 4.8% Fat, 2,653 lbs of Fat, 2.3% Protein, 1,287 lbs of Protein.
Congratulations to Timothy P. Krueger of Jordan, Minn., on Hartford Blitz 305-ET who placed second in the Mature-2x Milking Class for Milk Production. Her lactation was 5-06, 305-day, 2x, 58,000 lbs Milk, 4.2% Fat, 2,421 lbs of Fat, 2.3% Protein, 1,353 lbs of Protein.
Congratulations to Blue Horizon, inc. of Verndale, Minn., on Blue-Horizon Mort Sondra-ET*TV for placing fourth in the Mature-3x Milking Class for Milk Production. Her lactation was 5-02, 305-day, 3x, 59,550 lbs Milk, 3.4% Fat, 2,015 lbs Fat, 3.0% Protein, 1,786 lbs Protein.
Fat Production Leaders
Congratulations Deboer Holsteins of Corona, S.D., on Deboer Forbidden Snowflurry for placing third in the Senior Two-Year-Old-2x Milking Class. Her lactation was 2-10, 305-day, 2x, 29,970 Milk, 6.7% Fat, 2,003 lbs Fat, 3.7% Protein, and 1,121 lbs Protein. She was followed by Deboer Jed Snowflake-ET who placed fourth in the category. Her lactation was 2-11, 305-day, 2x, 37,800 lbs Milk, 7.6% Fat, 1,875 lbs Fat, 3.5% Protein, 860 lbs Protein.
Congratulations to Andrew Stuewe of Hamburg, Minn., on Stuewes Encore Dakota-ET for placing second in the Three-Year Old-2x Milking Class for Fat. Her lactation was 3-09, 305-day, 2x, 27,800 lbs Milk, 6.6% Fat, 2,492 lbs Fat, 3.0% Protein, 1141 lbs Protein.
Congratulations to Timothy Krueger, Jordan, Minn., on Hartford Blitz 305-ET who placed second in the Junior Four-Year Old-2x Milking Class for Fat. Her record was 4-01, 305-day, 2x, 54,840 lbs Milk, 4.8% Fat, 2,653 lbs Fat, 2.3% Protein, 1,287 lbs Protein.
Congratulations to Dennis and Kayln Buse of Bridgewater, S.D. on Bide-a-While Encore Bailey for placing fourth in the Senior Four-Year Old-2x Milking Class for Fat. Her lactation was 4-06, 305-day, 2x, 38,550 lbs Milk, 6.3% Fat, 2,424 lbs Fat, 3.0% Protein, 1,154 lbs Protein. In addition, their cow, Bide-a-While Outside Faline placed third in the Mature-2x Milking Class for Fat. Her lactation was 6-06, 305-day, 2x, 37,585 lbs Milk, 7.0% Fat, 2,643 lbs Fat, 2.8% Protein, 1,041 lbs Protein.
Protein Production Leaders
Congratulations to Blue Horizon, Inc., of Verndale, Minn., on Blue-Horizon Bol Delight-ET for placing fourth place in the Junior Two-Year Old-3x Milking Class. Her lactation was 2-00, 305-day, 3x, 38,570 lbs Milk, 4.3% Fat, 1,648 lbs Fat, 3.4% Protein, 1,327 lbs Protein. Another Blue Horizon Inc., cow earning recognition for Protein Production is Blue-Horizon Mtoto Grace-ET who placed fourth in the Senior Three-Year Old-3x Milking Class. Her lactation was 3-10, 305-day, 3x, 52,300 lbs Milk, 4.1% Fat, 1,943 lbs Fat, 3.0% Protein, 1,327 lbs Protein. In addition, Blue Horizon Mort Sondra-ET*TV placed fourth in the Mature-3x Milking Class. Her lactation was 5-02 305-day, 3x, 59,550 lbs Milk, 3.4% Fat, 2,015 lbs Fat, 3.0% Protein, 1,786 lbs Protein.
Congratulations to Brian C. Polikowsky of Byron, Minn., on Wilcoxview Lee Jamie-ET*TV on placing second in the Mature-2x Milking Class. Her lactation was 5-05, 305-day, 2x, 46,040 lbs Milk, 4.1% Fat, 1,898 lbs Fat, 3.7% Protein, 1,716 lbs Protein.