Explore MNHolstein

District I Show

The District I Show took place in Rochester on July 28 at 6:30 p.m. and Judge Kyle Demmer placed 61 heifers and 18 cows for a total of 79 head.

Judge Demmer selected the first and second place winter calves for the Junior and Reserve Junior Champion. Peticlerc Doorman Satina-ET exhibited by Jacob Hornberg was the Junior Champion and Shir-man Doorman Jubilee exhibited by Haely Leiding was the Reserve Junior Champion.

Judge Demmer selected the first place Sr. Three-Year-Old, Wake-Up Aftershock Raine-ET, exhibited by Andy and Aaron Houdek as the Intermediate Champion and the first place Sr. Two-Year-Old, Jerland SH RB Natane-Red-ET, exhibited Katherine Thompson as the Reserve Intermediate Champion.

Judge Demmer then selected the first place Aged Cow, Pine-Shelter Carlia Wood-ET, exhibited by Laura Schimek as the Senior Champion and the first place Four-Year-Old, Northwind Cont Lucy-Red, exhibited by Northwind Holsteins as the Reserve Senior Champion.

For the Grand Champion, Judge selected the first place Aged Cow, Pine-Shelter Carlia Wood-ET, exhibited by Laura Schimek. The first place Sr. Three-Year-Old, Wake-Up Aftershock Raine-ET, exhibited by Andy and Aaron Houdek was selected as Reserve Grand Champion.

Best Udder and Top Bred and Owned were also awarded to the Grand Champion of the show, Pine-Shelter Carlia Wood-ET exhibited by Laura Schimek.

Premier Breeder of the show was Sheeknoll Farms and Little Valley Dairy was named Premier Exhibitor of the show.


Junior Heifer Calf (15): 1) Pine-Shelter Lauren Mnterey S: View-Home Monterey-ET E: Reagan Schimek 2) Pine-Shelter Northstar Tngo S: Mr Welcome-Hill Tango-ET E: Treyton Alberts 3) Sheaola Monterey 5435-ET S: View-Home Monterey-ET E: Ryan Shea 4) Duncanson Farve 901 S: Lars-Acres Felices Favre-ET E: Duncanson Holsteins 5) Sheeknoll Golden Dream 2626 S: Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET E: Sheeknoll Farms 6) Blue Rose Mtoto April S: Carol P Mtoto-ET E: Miley Durow 7) Sheeknoll Chelios 2626 S: Domicole Chelios-ET E: Sheehan Family 8) Sheeknoll Monterey 2627 S: View-Home Monterey-ET E: Sheehan Family 9) Duncanson Solomon 906 S: Walnutlawn Solomon E: Duncanson Holsteins 10) Higher Ground Diamond S: Mr Mudd E: Ashley and Emily Mellgren 11) Higher Ground Pistol Belle S: Pistol E: Ashley and Emily Melgren 12) Ms P-Bil Crown P Lola-Red S: Sandy-Valley Crown P-Red-ET E: Anne, Jamie, and Ross Simpson 13) Jemar-LLC Captin 732-Red-ET S: Aprday-F 779 Captain Red-ET E: Lily Brooks 14) Northwind Lauren-Red S: Riot E: Ross Simpson 15) Jemar-LLC Capt 722-Red-ET

Winter Heifer Calf (9): 1) Petitclerc Doorman Satina-ET S: Val-Bisson Doorman-ET E: Jacob Hornberg 2) Shir-Man Doorman Jubilee S: Val-Bisson Doorman-ET E: Leiding Family 3) Shir-man Cal Mallory-Red S: EK-STJ California Red-ET E: Leiding Family 4) Pine-Shelter Livy Chaska S: Pine-Shelter Chaska Inquirer E: Makenzie Alberts 5) Sheeknoll Kingboy 2615 S: Morningview MCC Kingboy-ET E: Sheehan Family 6) Benner Bradnick Sybil-ET S: Regancrest-GV S Bradnick-ET E: Pete Schell 7) Holly-D MrRed Sweetness-Red S: Bosside Magenta MrRed-ET E: Thompson Family 8) Ja-Knoll Bombery Deedie S: Richmond-FD Bombero-ET E: Dawson Mclaughlin 9) Townvue Redmn Rosie-Red S: ValleyRiver Ruben Redmn-Red-ET E: Townvue Holstein Farm

Fall Heifer Calf (13): 1) Terra-McCree Calgary-ET S: Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET E: Terra-McCree Holsteins 2) T&S Hilltop Allthat 907 S: Siemers Atwood Allthat-ET E: Pete Schell 3) To-Sa Sid Paisley S: Pine-Tree Sid-ET E: Tom Hurley 4) Sheeknoll All Day 2044-Red S: Kenmore Multitude P-ET E: Sheehan Family 5) Sheeknoll Beemer 2596 S: Pol Butte Mc Beemer-ET E: Sheehan Family 6) Rollingriver Sydney S: Mr Do-N-Joy Gold Bronx-ET E: Kate Meyer 7) Pine-Shelter Bacardi Wood S: Pine-Shelter Clay Wood-ET E: Laura Schimek 8) Shir-man Absolute Mocha-Red S: Apples Absolute-Red-ET E: Leiding Family 9) Terra-McCree Columbus S: Gabor E: Terra-McCree Holsteins 10) Pine-Shelter Loredo Cutchen S: De-Su BKM McCutchen E: Makenzie Alberts 11) Kara-Kesh Mult P Jewels PO S: Kenmore Multitude P-ET E: William Weick 12) A-L-H Gnsource 32128-Red-ET S: Mr Ansly Addiction-P-Red-ET E: Bob Eustice 13) Lonetree-MD Bama Maisey RC S: OCD Destry Bama Red-ET E: Jackson Yetter

Summer Yearling Heifer (4): 1) Braxco Doorman Lindsey-ET S: Val-Bisson Doorman-ET E: Pete Schell 2) Sheeknoll Doorman 2593 S: Val-Bisson Doorman-ET E: Sheehan Family 3) Holly-D Independence S: Ms Atlees Sht Aftershock E: Thompson Family 4) Kara-Kesh Lado-RD Jaden-Red S: Greenhillacres Laddo-Red-ET E: Daniel Klingsporn

Spring Yearling Heifer (13): 1) Terra-McCree Chalk-ET S: Arrowstar Brazzle-Imp-ET E: Terra-McCree Holsteins 2) Sheeknoll Beemer 2577-ET S: Pol Butte MC Beemer-ET E: Sheehan Family 3) Shir-Man Brazzle Ava S: Arrowstar Brazzle-Imp-ET E: Leiding Family 4) Minnigan Hills Aubrey-Red S: Scientific B Defiant-ET E: John Dierson 5) L-Jo-Bee Atwood Iris S: Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET E: Lindsey Beckendorf Borst 6) Terra-McCree Atwood Confide S: Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET E: Terra-McCree Holsteins 7) Duncanson Doorman 851 S: Val-Bisson Doorman-ET E: Patrick Duncanson 8) Lybryty Mc Annabelle-ET S: De-Su BKM McCutchen 1174-ET E: Taylor Bonow 9) Ms Absolute Lucky-Red S: Mr Apples Absolute-ET E: Ross Simpson 10) Townvue D-V Humvie S: Deep-Valley Contender-Red E: Townvue Holsteins 11) Terra-McCree Cameron-Red-Et S: Air-Osa-MLE Malone-Red-ET E: Terra-McCree Holsteins 12) Cleland Absolute Akira-Red S: Apples Absolute-Red E: Bob Eustice 13) Pine-Shelter Lucky Teacher S: Mr Welcome Teacher-ET E: Treyton Alberts

Winter Yearling Heifer (5): 1) T&S Hilltop Atlantic 844 S: Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET E: Pete Schell 2) Liebfried Durango534 Krisgo S: OCD McCutchen Durango-ET E: John Dierson 3) Shir-Man Aftershock Mattie S: Ms Atlees Sht Afterschock-ET E: Shir-Man Holsteins 4) Terra-McCree Doorman Rose S: Val-Bisson Doorman-ET E: Anna Sachs 5) Pine-Shelter Dial McCutchen S: De-Su BKM McCutchen-1174-ET E: Makenzie Alberts

Fall Yearling Heifer (2): 1) Golden-Oaks WB Lexianne-ET S: Gillette Windbrook-ETS E: Megan Meyer 2) Jerland Barn Nitza-Red-ET S: Hylite Barbwire-Red E: Thompson Family

Junior Champion: Petitclerc Doorman Satina-ET exhibited by Jacob Hornberg

Reserve Junior Champion: Shir-Man Doorman Jubilee exhibited by the Leiding Family

Junior Best Three (3): 1) Terra-McCree Holsteins 2) Shir-Man Holsteins 3) Sheeknoll Farms

Junior Two-Year-Old in Milk (3): 1) Terra-McCree Coincidence S: Pine-Tree Sid-ET E: Terra-McCree Holsteins 2) Minnigan Hills Tande S: Domicole Chelios-ET E: Neil Beckman 3) Kara-Kesh Rudol Kim-Red

Senior Two-Year-Old (2): 1) Jerland SH RB Natane Red-ET S: Lookout P Redburst-Red-ET E: Thompson Family 2) Crisdhome Aftershock Cristal S: Mr Atlees Sht Aftershock-ET E: Taylor Bonow

Junior Three-Year-Old (1): 1) Miss Dempsey Rihanna S: Lirr-Drew Dempsey E: Gracie Pierson

Senior Three-Year-Old (4): 1) Wake-Up Aftershock Raine-ET S: Ms Atlees Sht Aftershock-ET E: Andy and Aaron Houdek 2) Sheeknoll Uno Dream-ET S: Amighetti Numero Uno-ET E: Sheehan Family 3) Premium-Star Destry 186-ET S: Scientific Destry-ET E: Townvue Holsteins 4) Holly-D Rburst Linda Red-ET S: Lookout P Redburst-Red-ET E: Nicholas, Katherine, and Clara Thompson

Intermediate Champion: Wake-Up Aftershock Raine-ET exhibited by Andy and Aaron Houdek

Reserve Intermediate Champion: Jerland SH RB Natane Red-ET exhibited by the Thompson Family

Four-Year-Old (2): 1) Northwind Cont Lucy-Red S: Patience Sholine Contender-Red E: Northwind Holsteins 2) All-World Secur Rio-Red-ET S: Crackholm Secure-Red-ET E: Thompson Family

Five-Year-Old (1): 1) Lonetree-MD Planet Neptune S: Endenada Taboo Planet-ET E: Terri Dekok

Dry Cow (1): 1) Our Destiny BW Roxan-Red-ET S: Hylite Barbwire-Red-ET E: Nicholas, Katherine, Clara Thompson

Aged Cow (2): 1) Pine-Shelter Carlia Wood-ET S: Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET E: Laura Schimek 2) LRH Advent Rockstar-Red S: KHW Kite Advent-Red-ET E: Danielle Larsen

125,000 Pound Cow (2): 1) Gateway-Acres Gold Idella S: Braedale Goldwyn E: Thompson Family 2) Poplar-Bend Affirmed Jade S: Stillmore-RH Lee Affirmed E: Townvue Holsteins

Senior Champion: Pine-Shelter Carlia Wood-ET exhibited by Laura Schimek

Reserve Senior Champion: Northwind Cont Lucy-Red exhibited by Northwind Holsteins

Grand Champion: Pine-Shelter Carlia Wood-ET exhibited by Laura Schimek

Reserve Grand Champion: Wake-Up Aftershock Raine-ET exhibited by Andy and Aaron Houdek

Best Three Females (2): 1) Terra-McCree Holsteins 2) Sheeknoll Farms

Dairy Herd (1): Thompson Family

Produce of Dam (3): 1) Terra-McCree 2) Sheeknoll 3) Thompson Family

Daughter and Dam (1): 1) Lonetree Dairy