We would like to welcome Rachel Coyne to the MHA staff as our new Marketing Manager!
As our Marketing Manager, Rachel will publish the Minnesota Holstein News, design sale catalogs, and write press releases for Minnesota Holstein events as well as articles for the magazine. She will also maintain our website and social media accounts.
Rachel is currently finishing up her senior year at the University of Minnesota where she is studying Animal Science with an emphasis in Dairy Production. At the U of M, she is involved in numerous activities including serving as the Gopher Dairy Club Vice President, FANE Chair, and Senior Trip Committee Chair. She competed on the Dairy Cattle Judging Team and was active in National Agri-Marketing Association and Lambda Delta Phi Sorority.
Rachel grew up in Spring Valley, Wisconsin on her family’s hobby farm where they raised Registered Holstein and Brown Swiss show heifers. Growing up, Rachel was very active in 4-H and the WI Junior Holstein Association, where she served on the Junior Activities Committee. Rachel has held internships with North Florida Holsteins, Arethusa Farm, and Alta Genetics.
Rachel is extremely excited to bring a fresh perspective to this role and assist the Registered Holstein Breeders of Minnesota in any way that she can. Rachel’s phone number is 715-307-7847 and her email is mnholsteinmarketing@gmail.com. Welcome, Rachel!