Alicia Lamb of Oakfield, New York, spoke at six Breeders Seminars throughout Minnesota February 17-20, 2020. Alicia and her husband, Jonathan, are part owners of Lamb Farms. Alicia works with marketing the show and genomic Registered Holsteins for Oakfield Corners Dairy, a division of Lamb Farms. Alicia also coordinates and compiles all tests and reporting for the farm’s genomic programs and bull contracts and sales. Alicia formerly served as a nutrition and management consultant in western New York for 20 years. Off the farm, Alicia is on the Holstein USA Qualified Judges List and has officiated shows in the US, Japan, and Korea. Alicia is a past President of the New York Holstein Association and a past President of the National Dairy Shrine.
During the Breeders Seminars, Alicia spoke about Oakfield Corners Dairy’s breeding philosophy, genomic programs, and farm sites. Alicia provided insight into how Lamb Farms manages four different dairy sites, 145 employees, crops, and a show herd. She shared that communication is the key to keeping their farms running smoothly. Additionally, when it comes to the high genomic and show animals, Alicia feels that Oakfield Corners has a great team in place to keep everything in check. Decisions are made mainly by owners and managers in order to eliminate miscommunication and error. She spoke about a few key cow families that they work with on the farm, including show cows, bulls, and genomic animals. Alicia shared that she is particularly excited about their cows that combine both high type and genomics and the potential of marketing these cow families to bull studs. The Minnesota Holstein Association would like to thank Alicia Lamb for speaking to our membership!