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2025 MN All-Breeds Convention Awards

The 2025 Minnesota All Breeds Convention took place March 8, 2025, and was hosted by the Meeker County All-Breeds Club at the Best Western in Willmar, MN. The event welcomed dairy cattle enthusiasts for a weekend itinerary featuring Minnesota Purebred Dairy Cattle Association (PDCA) meetings, respective breed association meetings, educational speakers, award presentations and networking.

For the Minnesota Holstein Association (MHA), the weekend was highlighted by the MHA Annual Meeting. During the meeting, four new board members were elected or re-elected to fill seats vacated by expired terms, retiring or resigning board members. New or re-elected board members include:

  • Darrel Rennich, Bruce, SD
  • Ashley Swenson, Nicollet, MN
  • Randy Gross, Lake Benton, MN
  • Crystal Sinn, Sherburne, MN

The 13-member board also voted to fill the following leadership positions:

President: Darrel Rennich, Bruce, SD

Vice-President: Ashley Swenson, Nicollet, MN

Finance Chair: Chad Kieffer, Utica, MN

Executive Committee Members:

  • Ashley Swenson, Nicollet, MN
  • Chad Kieffer, Utica, MN
  • Randy Gross, Lake Benton, MN
  • Tony Kohls, Arlington, MN
  • Trevor Ekkel, Pipestone, MN

Board Member, Eric Sonnek, was recognized for his outstanding service to the organization.

During the banquet on Saturday, the following Minnesota Holstein Association members were also recognized for exceptional accomplishments.

MHA President’s Award:

Ashley Swenson, Nicollet, MN

Longtime Meritorious Award

Gale Hoese, MN

MHA Person of the Year:

Katherine Kohls, Arlington, MN

Minnesota Distinguished Junior Member (DJM) Applicant:

Alexis Hoefs, Montgomery, MN

Minnesota Young Distinguished Junior Member (DJM) Applicant:

Kamrie Mauer, Brownton, MN

Holstein of the Year:
Elm-Lane Spitfire Lotus, Intrigue Holsteins and Blackjack Holsteins
Golden Gopher Production Futurity XLVI Winners

1st Place: Golden Lick My Tatoo – 30,924 M 1,234 F 962 P – $4,181.44 owned by Sierra Swanson & Rachel Kurth

2nd Place: Golden White Lightning – 30,011 M 1, 259 F 921 P – $4, 096.51 owned by Sierra Swanson & Rachel Kurth

Deb Kraus also provided a memorial presentation for the beloved Minnesota Holstein Association members and supporters who have passed away in recent years.