Explore MNHolstein

2020 MHA Field Day Information

Please join us on July 11, 2020 at KurthKine Holsteins in Buffalo Lake for the MHA Field Day!



88568 520th Street

Buffalo Lake, MN 55314

Parking On-Site



10:30 am Barns Open

11:00 am Judging Opens

11:30 am Lunch Opens

1:00 pm Judging/Lunch Closes

1:00 pm Speakers/Clipping Demonstration

2:15 pm Announce Judging winners/Door Prizes

3:00 pm Disperse/Close



Three Classes (2 cow, 1 heifer)

Adult and Youth Divisions



Pulled Pork Sandwiches, chips, and a side

Ice Cream Sandwiches

Milk and Water provided