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2018 Minnesota State Show Details and Online Registration

We are excited to share that you will be able to sign up for classes, upload your registration papers and pay online for the Junior, Open and Red and White Minnesota State Holstein Shows this year. Save yourself the postage and hassle of printing out registration papers by submitting your state show registration online. Online Registration is available at this link:



Online Registration Instructions:

For questions regarding the online registration process, contact Chelsey at 507-221-4070 or email at mnholsteinmarketing@gmail.com.

Show Details:

Location: Jordan, MN


  • Tuesday, June 19th, 2018

    9:00 a.m – Barns open

    Wednesday, June 20th, 2018

    Barns Open All Day

    12:00 p.m. – All Entries must be in place for R&W Show

    3:00 p.m.-  Juniors Fitting Workshop

    7:00 p.m.- Exhibitor Supper

    ~ Sponsored by Jersey & Red & White

    Thursday, June 21st, 2018

    9:00 a.m. – Red & White Show (Start with Cow Classes)

         ~ Judge: Ryan Krohlow

    11:00 a.m. Juniors Lunchstand Open until 2 p.m.

    12:00 p.m. – All entries must be in place for  the Junior Show and State Show

    2:00 p.m.- Jersey Jamboree

      Judge: Ryan Krohlow

    7:30 p.m. – Bean Bag Tournament

      Hosted by the MN Holstein Young Adult Committee

     Ages of players are preferred to be 21 and over

    Friday, June 22nd, 2018

    8:00 a.m.- Juniors Lunchstand open until 2 p.m.

    9:30 a.m. – Junior Show (Start with Cow Classes)

      Judge: Mandi Bue

    – Adult Showmanship fundraiser will be before Junior Showmanship

    – Following the show is the MJHA Ag Olympics

    7:00 – 8:00 pm – Exhibitor Supper

    (Exhibitor meeting to follow)

    ~  Sponsored by: Bongard’s Creamery 

    Saturday, June 23rd, 2018

    8:00 am- Juniors Lunchstand open until 2 p.m.

    8:00 am – Minnesota State Holstein Show

    ~Judge: Mark Rueth

    11:00 am – Futurity Class XLII

Hotel Information:

  • HomeTown Inn& Suites : (952)-873-6017 331 Enterprise Dr. E, Belle Plaine, MN 56011-2338
  • Super 8 Chaska: (952)-448-7030 830 Yellow Brick Road, Chaska, MN 55318-2152
  • Country Inn & Suites By Radisson (952)-445-0200 1204 Ramsey Street, Shakopee, MN 55379-3128

Show contacts

Show Chair:

Dale Schmidt (612)-508-4481

Vice Chair:

Corey Feltmann (952)-239-8752

Stalling requests:

Corey Feltmann: (952)-239-8752

Andy Stuewe: (651)-353-2275

Straw/Feed/Shavings/Hay Requests:

Doug Hecksel 320-420- 9197

Camping Requests: Call ahead to reserve your spot

Brad Pierson: (952)-913-8529

2018 State Show Rules: 


Rules & Regulations
1. State show entry fee – $20 entry fee per animal to be sent with entry form to the MHA office, P.O. Box 475 Plainview, MN 55964
2. There will be no reserved stall fee and cattle will be stalled prior to arrival.
3. State show entries must be received by June 1, 2018. Entries received after the June 1 deadline will be assessed a $50 per animal fee. Entries received after June 20 will be $100. Substitutions will be permitted; however, a fee will be assessed for same animal class switches.
4. All identification papers must be presented and identified in the exhibitor’s name, except papers presented with a signed transfer and fees attached. Transfers and fees will be collected and sent to the Holstein Association USA. No calls will be made to verify ownership. Animals that are going on to other shows will be verified with Holstein Association USA. If these transfers are not recorded there within 90 days of our state show, the exhibitor(s) will be ineligible to show at a Minnesota Holstein sponsored district or state show for the following calendar year.
5. Copies of identification certificates will not be accepted (telex, xerox, etc.). Original and association duplicates of identification certificates are permitted and accepted. Scanned copies of both sides of the identification papers uploaded to minnesotaholstein.fairentry.com will be accepted. Fax copies of both sides of the identification papers from the Holstein Association USA will be accepted for show. It will be the responsibility of the exhibitor to provide the fax. Any %RHA is eligible to show.
6. Syndicate or partnership animals may be shown at the Minnesota district and state shows providing the following requirements are met:
a. Show proof of ownership with a list of all members from Holstein Association USA, if all members are not individually listed on identification certificate.
b. Entry fee paid by exhibitor.
7. Where a herd is registered in the names of different members of a family residing on one farm and where the herd is one unit, and everyone is using the same prefix, all entries may be considered as exhibits of one breeder.
8. Exhibitors to the state show must sign the vaccination verification included on the entry form which indicates that all animals he/she is exhibiting have been vaccinated for LEPTO, IBR and BVD within six months of the show. You must also agree that all animals are rBST free.
9. The best udder in each milking class will be recognized with a rosette ribbon at the state show.
10. A rosette ribbon to the top dollar value production winner will be presented in the following classes: 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23. Exhibitors, who wish to be recognized for production, must send in all production information at time of entry. From there the records will be officially verified by DHIA. Any records sent in after the entry deadline will not be eligible for receiving production recognition.
11. Dry Cow Classes–A cow must be dry or milking over 280 days or more to show in the dry cow class and will be verified by DHI records.
12. Premier Breeders (Bred and Owned) the owner of the dam at the time of service shall be considered the breeder of the animal. Where a herd is registered in the names of different members of a family and where the herd is one unit, all entries may be considered as exhibits of one breeder. Also, you must be a resident of the state of Minnesota and be a member of the Minnesota Holstein Association.
13. Premier exhibitor and premier breeder points will be based on six animals. Exhibitor must be the owner. Where a herd is registered in the names of different members of a family residing on one farm and where the herd is one unit, and everyone is using the same prefix, all entries may be considered as exhibits of one breeder. However, where the ownership are from two or more herds they will be considered as separate entries as stated owners on the paper with one owner having to be a resident of the state of Minnesota and a member of Minnesota Holstein Association. Senior points, starting at 20 with a 2 point drop between each placing down to 10th place, will be awarded for milking cow classes. Dry cow classes will start at 10 points with a 1 point drop between each place down to 10th place. Junior points will be awarded to the unfresh two-year old class, and junior animals and will also start at 10 points with a 1 point drop between each place down to 10th place.
14. There will be a pipeline milking facility and bulk tanks available. To maintain a high level of milk quality at the show, milk samples at each milking for every cow will be taken. A bulk tank sample will also be taken to check for antibiotics before the load is picked up. If the tank sample tests positive, the individual cow samples will then be checked to see where the antibiotics originated. The exhibitor whose cow tests positive for antibiotics will then be responsible for the entire tank of milk and will be barred from showing until the tank is paid for.
15. A standard of behavior is expected from exhibitors and their agents. Any violation will result in exhibitors being banned from future shows. The destruction of property will be referred to proper officials.
16. Minnesota state shows will be conducted in compliance with the Show Rules Code of Ethics as established by the PDCA.
17. The Minnesota Holstein Association (MHA) and the Holstein Association USA have each adopted the “Show Ring Code of Ethics”, established by the Purebred Dairy Cattle Association, as the basis for rules governing conduct of shows sponsored or endorsed by the associations. Judges will be advised of this adherence to PDCA code. The Show Ring Code of Ethics is attached hereto and is incorporated herein. Because violations of the ethical standard are detrimental to the image and reputation of the breeder members of the Minnesota Holstein Association and the Holstein Association USA and the associations themselves;
a. MHA has established penalties for major violations of show rules and procedures for support for judges and enforcement of the Show Ring Code of Ethics. These penalties and procedures are attached hereto and incorporated herein.
b. Owners of cattle exhibited at MHA sponsored shows will be required to sign a statement acknowledging their understanding of the agreement to abide by the Show Ring Code of Ethics of other show rules.
False, Deceptive or Unacceptable Practices

These practices are violation of the Code of Ethics and will be reported to show management and may be reported to the respective national breed associations:
1. Misrepresenting the age and /or milking status of the animal for the class in which it is shown.
2. Treating the animal, particularly the udder, internally of externally:
a. With an irritant or counter-irritant,
b. Using a device to artificially create or enhance the udder crease,
c. Using other substances as detected by testing that causes changes in the udder to artificially improve the conformation.
d. Plugging of teat canal with foreign substance.
3. Surgical or unethical insertion of any matter under the skin or into body cavities, performed to change the natural contour or appearance of the animal’s body (e.g., administration of fluid via a stomach tub or other similar apparatus to fill the rumen). Oral tubing of fluids must be performed by a license veterinarian only.
4. The animal’s hair must be her own growing and attached to the body, with a maximum length of 1-1/2” when showing at the MHA state show. The addition of foreign objects, including but not limited to hair or hair substitutes, cloth of fiber, is prohibited.
5. Animals should be in their show surroundings on their pack, at the wash rack, being exercised in show area, or in show ring. Animals being taken to cattle trailer or secluded area will be a violation.
6. Any person physically or verbally abusing the ultra sound technician or ethic people shall be in violation.

Minnesota Holstein Association 
Procedure For Enforcement of Show Ring Code of Ethics:

Administration of this procedure will be the purview of an ethics committee, which will advise the Board of Directors of its investigations and recommendations for disciplinary actions for violations.
1. The ethics committee will include the chairman of the show committee MHA board of directors, he will appoint a vice chair or vice chairs and a committee to be approved by the MHA board of directors.
2. The ethics committee will observe activities prior to and including the show and will receive complaints of alleged violations. Ethics people may use devices to detect infractions. Complaints must be received before the conclusion of the show to be considered. Anonymous complaints will not be considered.
3. If the ethics committee suspects a violation has occurred or will occur if an animal is shown, the exhibitor will be informed by the ethics chairman of the suspicion. Ethics committee will have the right to demand the registration paper of animal in question and proof of identification of the person doing the supposed violation. If upon notification the exhibitor decides not to show the animal, no violation will be deemed to exist.
4. If a complaint cannot be investigated before the animal is shown or the show is concluded, alleged violators will be advised within 21 days of the shows’ conclusion of the allegation and the results of its investigation.
5. Owners and exhibitors of cattle are deemed responsible for their actions at shows as well as the actions of their employees, agents, contractors and others who assist with the fitting, care and show preparation of their cattle.
6. The ethics committee will have the authority to inspect any animal by its members or by appointed qualified contractors and to review the results of the inspection to determine if violations of MHA show ring policy have occurred. To help in this regard, inspection may include:
a. Milk-out of a lactating animal
b. Ultrasound examination of an udder prior to milk-out
c. Collection and testing of any of the animal’s body fluids.
d. Use of any other non-lethal technology that may be useful in determining a violation based on placement, random selection or suspect characteristics.
e. Delivery for the purpose of laboratory analysis and inspection, at anytime, of any hypodermic syringe or needle, or other device, swabs, cloths, other material, or samples of any medicine, preparation, or substance, whether in liquid or other form, in the possession of control of the exhibitor, fitter, agents or persons acting on behalf of the exhibitor.
f. Animals may be checked for false hair and for length over 1-1/2 inches.
7. Following their final judging, the ethics committee will ultrasound in a private setting the udders, prior to milk out, any of the milking cows exhibited at the state Holstein show.
8. Following their final judging, milk samples may be taken from any animal in each milking cow class.
9. Evaluation of the ultrasound tests and any laboratory test of milk and other materials and reports of any eye witnesses will be reviewed by the ethics committee together with unresolved matters from 4) above within 21 days of the shows’ conclusion. The ethics committee will then within 3 days advise and review with the MHA president and executive secretary any findings of violations and recommendations for disciplinary action. The MHA president or executive secretary will immediately notify the accused individual(s) that a major violation of the show ring code of ethics has occurred and will share all of the supporting evidence with the individual(s).
10. Within 10 days of notification to an individual of violation, the chairman of the ethics committee will meet with the president and executive committee of MHA to review the finding and recommendation of the ethics committee (collectively the review committee). The alleged violator(s) will be able to participate in the review meeting if the choose, provided they give notice of their intent at least 3 days prior to the meeting. Following the above meeting, the review committee will determine, in private session by agreement of two-thirds vote, whether to accept or modify the ethics committee’s findings of violation and recommendations. If violation is determined, the review committee may at its discretion:
a) Consider previous violations by the violating owner, exhibitor or other individual
b) Pass on to the violator its cost for outside investigator services
c) Impose sanction consistent with the penalties listed below but in no circumstances will a violating individual receive premium monies or awards.
11. During this process of review and determination, reasonable effort will be made to maintain confidentiality but no obligation of confidentiality shall exist for the directors, staff or committees of the MHA.

1. First Offense – a minimum of one-year probation to a maximum of one-year suspension from participation in MHA sponsored shows for exhibitor(s), owner(s), fitter(s) or other representatives and animals(s) either individually of combination thereof.

2. Subsequent Offenses-a minimum of one-year suspension to a maximum of suspension for life from participation in MHA sponsored shows for exhibitor(s), owners(s), fitter(s) or other representative and animal(s) either individually of combination thereof.